Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Time Thing

As usual, it is either feast or famine in our schedules. The past several weeks have been feast weeks. We recently returned from a trip to our Nation's Capital. It was thought provoking and wonderful - there will be more about this in coming days.

But for now, let's get back to Lent. Yes, I know, it's almost over!

As I have said, sometimes I observe Lent and sometimes I do not. Last year I sorta' just fell in to it.

Looking back, I am not sure exactly what all was going on that led me to be so obsessed with time management. Perhaps I was just having a "Golden Spell" or maybe I was just wrapped in to a daily mantra of "If I can organize it, I can achieve it!" Whatever the case, I was literally getting up and putting my watch on first thing in the morning.

Seriously scary - running around in jammies, constantly checking my watch to see if everyone was on schedule, fretting over lost minutes. It was nuts!!! And yes, there is a clock in practically every room of our home. But for some reason that did not matter. I was depending on my watch to order my day.

Observing Lent was not really on my radar. But then my watch stopped working. I am sure the batteries were dead, as were the batteries in my back-up watch. For some reason, I did the unthinkable - I simply chose not to replace them.

At first it was weird - nothing on my wrist to give me a false sense of controlling my time. I, literally, had to repeat the line all my Orange friends who refuse to wear watches use - "There are clocks everywhere in the world."

And without realizing it, God was beginning my Lenten journey. Without a watch to guard my time, my pace slowed and my eyes began to observe more things around me. I did not feel like I accomplished less. In fact I always seemed to accomplish what needed to be done. I accomplished the necessary and I enjoyed the journey. One of my new catch phrases became, "It is not the destination, it is the journey."

Through it all I also began learning the true meaning of the following verse:

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12

I had tried to number my days according to my wisdom - schedules, deadlines, "boxes" - but that was not what I needed. I needed to be teachable. I needed to recognize God's order and honor Him as the one who truly guards my time.

And today, my watches are still without working batteries.

simple faith

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Ahh that is fabulous. Observing lent by giving up a food of some sort just seems so ... forced or fake to me. I love how God lead yours :)

And I tried to wear a watch for a while (bought a like $5 one) but I forgot to put it on so much and eventually lost it. But ... I still am obsessed with my cell phone clock hmm...
Hello my friend, I had a wonderful time with you at lunch yesterday, we didn't even need a watch! I remember thinking one time I wanted to know what time it was but was too lazy to dig out my phone. I'm glad God allows us time to just slow down and enjoy the nice things of life, like fresh-cut lilacs!
Thank you for the comments and welcome to my part of the blogging world.
My cell phone clock is a definite "go to" to keep me on track. . .but a leslee says, sometimes it is just too much trouble to dig it out!
I had a great time at lunch too. It is always good to slow down and enjoy the blessing of friendship.
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