Friday, January 25, 2008

Girlfriend Advice

A recent response to "my oldest son just got his permit" line:

"Good luck with the permit thing - my advice, make sure he gets plenty of driving time before getting his license and call your doctor and ask for prozac."

Girlfriends - gotta' love them!

simple faith

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Milestone Day

I found myself in front of my 15 year-old's closet, trying to remember what he had worn to school that day. I remember him showing up in the kitchen dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. Since it was not going to get above freezing I had sent him back to put on something long - you know, with legs and sleeves.

I remember the navy sweats, but what shirt? There was nothing obviously missing. Try as I might, I could not remember even the color of his t-shirt, or which hoodie he had worn.

"This is crazy," I said to myself. But moms do crazy things like this - worrying about things our kids do not worry about.

The phone rings, it is the call I have been expecting.

"Mom, I'm done."

"Great! Do you want to come home and brush your hair or change?"

"No - I'm good."

"What hoodie do you have on?"

"I'm not wearing it. I am going to wear my t-shirt."

"Which t-shirt do you have on?"

"Gray Hollister. Can you just come get me? Do we have time to get something to eat?"

"We can afterwards. Be there in a minute."

I am in the van remembering this milestone day in my life. I had known for several days exactly what outfit I was going to wear and had taken much care with my hair and my make-up.

I knew worrying about clothes and hair were not going to be high on my 15 year-old's list, but his blase' attitude was a bit unnerving.

We arrive at the tag office. I have tried to give his hair a quick once over with my hand, but he pulled away. Boys! Well, this boy anyway!

It takes only a few minutes until he is official. He leaves the building with his driving permit - and his picture looks great.

He weighs his options for a treat. No, we are not getting anything triple dipped. Smoothie? Yes, I can do that.

Fifteen and a half years ago we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy who has given us much joy and laughter. The milestone days are coming quicker now. He will all too soon be journeying out on his own.

Just trying to embrace each day.

simple faith

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Repairman's Best Friend

For some odd reason we have experienced the need for 4 repairmen at our house in just the few short weeks since Christmas. I am not sure what the phenomenon is, but quite frankly I am ready for it to go away.

Two plumbers, one appliance repairman, and today the garage door guys.

Choosing to be thankful attitude: nothing has been catastrophic; we have a house that we can repair; and although I would rather be spending money on other things, the cost has been reasonable.

Choices - make the thankful one!

simple faith


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