Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just an Everyday Conversation

Cell Phone Boy and Red arrive at my house after school Monday. Immediately upon entering the house Cell Phone Boy says, "Guess what, Miss Faith?"


"I can tie the cherry stem in a knot with my mouth!"

"Wow!" (what else could I possibly say?)

A short while later they are all in the kitchen looking for a snack. I inquire about which class they were in when the fire alarm went off at the high school that day. Actually it went off twice, so they were trying to tell me which class which time when. . .

"Cell Phone Boy's class set it off," declares Red.


It seems that a science experiment in Biology - yes, I said Biology- flamed and immediately following this incident the alarms began going off.

I pursue the conversation: "Who is your teacher?"

The response is my younger son's wrestling coach from last winter. Now I am really laughing.

"What did he do?"

"He was just smiling," responds Cell Phone Boy.

"His 'I am smiling so I don't kill you' smile or his laughing smile - because you know he has two smiles," I ask.

Cell Phone Boy gives me a knowing look and says, "Oh yeah, I know. I think he thought it was funny."

Just choosing to find the humor in every day. . .

simple faith

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Friday, September 05, 2008

Boys Will Be Boys

"That's the Red Beast," claims my younger son as we pass a friend's house in the 'hood. He is referring to the red SUV the boy drives.

I don't recall responding, but Game Boy who is with us picks up the conversation. They begin discussing how my older son's vehicle is called the Blue Power Ranger. My younger son has to explain to Game Boy that this is because his truck model is actually a Ford Ranger - get it? (I thought they called it the Lone Ranger. Shows what I know. . .)

The conversation continues with them discussing what they would call other vehicles if they or their friends owned them.

If they had a yellow vehicle you could call them "Bumblebee" - I think that is a Transformer.

If my youngest son had a Chrysler 300 he would call it "Sparta" - the movie 300 is one of his favorites. You may want to note that his chances of having one of these vehicles as his first car is slim to none. But he does have good taste!

If Game Boy gets his mom's gold car he will be Gold Dust. But if he gets his dad's white Jaguar - well he will rule the world of cool. They couldn't even come up with something to call that. . .and chances are they won't need to do so.

Eventually they make it back to the Power Ranger thing. The possibility of several colored Rangers is discussed. Game Boy declares the Green Ranger was the coolest. My son scoffs at the idea and declares the White Ranger the ultimate. And, he notes, it was the Green Ranger who turned into the White Ranger - ha!

And I am just driving along pondering how odd this conversation is on sooo many levels.

The next morning on the way to church we pass a white Ford Ranger on a car lot. I point it out to the boys and suddenly yesterday's conversation is again a topic.

My younger son shares Game Boy's view of the Power Rangers. My older son scoffs at the idea and declares that it was the Green Ranger who turned into the White Ranger - ha! And then they actually begin discussing different episodes of Power Rangers.

And I am just riding along pondering how odd this conversation is on sooo many levels.

You know, I still hear males my age asking each other, "Ginger or Mary Ann?" Do you think males my son's ages will one day ask each other, "Yellow Ranger or Pink Ranger?"

It could happen. . .

simple faith


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