Thursday, January 08, 2009

Just a Question

I hit the "reply" button but thought to myself, "I don't have time for this." Cancel - and then off to the next thing on my list. But while the morning continues I realize that did not reply because of a lack of time. No, I did not reply because I honestly did not have an answer.

The question: when do they grow out of this stage?

The discussion is based on my theory that teenage boy brains do not work properly. It is with a friend whose male child has made what seems to be an insane series of choices in the adult mind. But trust me, in his teenage boy brain it all made perfect sense.

The situation was very "no harm, no foul" in the end. But one that leaves parents shaking their heads and thinking to themselves "What was he thinking?"

So back to the question. When do they grow out of this stage?

I wish I could say at 18 or at 20 or at any given age. But reality is that there is no magic number. Each child is born completely unique having their own strenths and weaknesses and their own journey to maturity.

Some days I experience the joy of seeing my boys do things that impress and encourage me about their journey to maturity. And other days my husband and I just look at each other with complete dismay. And, as with most things, we try to find the humor in the situation. . .sometimes that takes some time and some work!

Just choosing to recognize that they truly are fearfully and wonderfully made.

simple faith

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Saturday, January 03, 2009

Continuing the Journey

A new year - the same journey.

Much discussion goes around this time of year in regard to "New Year's Resolutions." I pretty much have stopped making them. Oh, not that I am not pursuing new goals and have several thoughts on improving my journey. No, I just have come to a place where I see each day as a new beginning and a chance to start something new - why wait until just once a year?

I am sure it is obvious that writing more consistently in my blog should be one of those goals - and it is as long as it continues to be an outlet and not a "must do." And there is my interest in Jane Austen lately that makes me think I should at least attempt to read one of her novels. And after watching "Miss Potter" today I am thinking perhaps I should renew my relationship with Peter Rabbit.

Of course there is the always present list of house and outdoor projects to be done. And new things to learn to bake and recipes to try and places to see and things to do. Pictures on my camera that seriously need to be downloaded. All this does not even tap the physical and spiritual part of my journey!

And so there you go. No real resolutions - just a daily choice to continue in a postive direction on my journey.

Go forth and conquer!

simple faith


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