Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Life Team Question

What can you do or have you done to help with this phrase "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"?

God works in mysterious ways.

simple faith


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Life Team Question

Was there a time when you felt like you did not "follow Christ" or do what Jesus would have done?  Will there be a time this week?


simple faith


Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Life Team Question

When do you feel, or have felt, God's closeness?


simple faith


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Disciple

Funny how I am all good and well with the word disciple until I have to apply it to my own life.  Suddenly I begin thinking things like, "Weren't almost all of those guys tragically killed somehow?"!  Me - a disciple?  Are you sure?

Oh, I know.  We are all called to be one.  None of us is given the job of just sitting quietly on the sidelines. 

Once while studying Holy Week, one of my beloved teachers posed the question, "Which crowd would you be in?  The one who praised him on Sunday during the palm procession or the one who cried for his crucifixion later in the week?"  It took me a while to come to an answer, but I finally said, "Neither.  I want to be one of the disciples."

And so I find myself stumbling through life.  Sometimes hearing some really great teaching and totally missing the point.  Sometimes being the one who argues with a brother about who Jesus loves the most.  Sometimes being the one who loses my cool and lops off some poor guy's ear.  Sometimes being the one who loses sight of the plan.  Sometimes being the one who says, "Hey, I wasn't with him - you have me mistaken for someone else!" 

And then sometimes, just on occasion, I have those "ah ha" moments that must make the Father and Son shake theirs heads and smile to each other saying, "You know, that one is not always the brightest, but we sure do love it when she gets it!"

Loved whether I always get it or not. 

simple faith


Monday, September 28, 2009

Life Team Question

Share an experience of an opportunity to respond to Christ's call to be his disciple.


simple faith


Friday, September 25, 2009


Several years ago I did a Kay Arthur Bible study on the book "LORD, I Want to Know You."  It was one of those things that over the years I continue to return to - actually to seek and run to - during trying times. 

The study takes you through the Hebrew names for God.  Elohim is the name for God as Creator.

Parenting seems to bring with it trying times - the positive spin on that would say "opportunities for growth" the negative spin would say "no one escapes this with their sanity."  Often these "opportunities for growth" have driven me to my knees and searching for something to bring direction and solace.  And often I find myself recognizing God as Elohim - my child's Creator.

Reading Psalm 139:13-18 and putting my child's name in the verses reminds me that God truly created this child to be exactly as he fashioned him.  Whatever trial that day has brought, it was no surprise to God. 

Elohim - The Creator - my Creator - my children's Creator.

Choosing to worship, not wallow.

simple faith


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


It was my first real ski trip.  I was in my mid-twenties and a new mom, so the idea of a few days away was much welcomed.  We journeyed with several friends to Colorado to ski at Monarch.

It was probably the second day of our outing.  We woke up to cloudy weather, but nothing too concerning.  As we made our way up to the ski area it seemed as if the entire mountain had been swallowed by a cloud.  At some point during the day it began to snow - those big, fat, fluffy snow flakes.  I was loving it!  A great base was already in place and fresh snow just meant more cushion for my frequent falls.

On the lift I was thinking how much I loved the snow, even though it was incredibly cold that day.  I began to notice something I had not really experienced before - complete quiet.  The clouds and snow had created this incredible sound barrier around me.  It was almost as if God had wrapped my world with a prescence of His stillness and quiet.  It was one of those times you realize just how amazing He truly is.

I am one of those people who seeks quiet.  And although I find it in different ways in my current busy life, nothing has ever compared to that day when God revealed himself to me on the mountain.

Amazed by Him.

simple faith


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