Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Super Bowl Sassiness

I noticed I have commented a few times over the last couple of weeks that my Bears were winning. I am sorry to have to report that the Super Bowl was a different story. Although they provided some excitement during the first half, they came up short.

But. . . .THANK GOODNESS Peyton Manning finally won a Super Bowl ring. I mean, I was beginning to lose sleep at night worrying about his apparent devine destiny not being fulfilled. What would have been right with the world had he not ever achieved this crowning (or shall we say ringing) glory?

Actually, I hope he makes it to another Super Bowl. . . I want to see what story line the media would come up with next.

What did make me happy - Charlie Johnson (74) rookie from my alma mater started the second half for the Colts and played very well. He is now the proud owner of a Super Bowl ring.

Now THAT is a good story!

simple faith


It could be worse. You could be that Chicago fan who made a bet that he'd change his name to Peyton Manning if the Bears lost.

They did...
...and he did.

It was on the news today.

BTW: Prince rocked it at halftime!
I saw that story. Not a very bright bet to make.

I completely agree that Prince rocked at halftime. How cool was "Purple Rain" in the rain on the purple lit stage?!?!

That was probably the first movie I watched a gazillion times. I think I might have to rent it again. . .
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