Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Sometimes Gardener

Monday brought beautiful weather to my small city on the plains. It was a day that called for being outdoors. I had passed other opportunities lately to work outside, but was determined that nothing was keeping me from watering and cleaning on Monday.

So, out came the hoses, the rake, the trash bags, and the flip flops. I wasn't really approaching the work with joy, so I also donned my "put on your big girl panties and deal with it" t-shirt. I call it my attitude adjustment shirt.

It truly only takes a few minutes for my mind and attitude to embrace the wonder of working outdoors. The smell of damp earth and the warmth of the sun do my attitude good.

By the time I am half way around the front of my house watering I come across my hyacinth beginning to peek out of the ground. I am a bit surprised, but realize that it is indeed time for the renewal of the seasons to begin. I am filled with anticipation for their magenta color to appear while also experiencing a bit of regret for not planting more bulbs this past fall.

I continue watering noting what will bloom next and saying a quick prayer over the azaleas. I have never had good luck with these - hopefully blooms will come this spring.

After dragging the hoses to their proper places, I start the traveling sprinkler. Our grass is in need of a quick watering. Then off to the back yard. I water one bed and "plan" some new plants to add for this spring. This bed is one I would call successful. The plan is going well and the results are what I want. This bed actually brings me much joy in the summer as I sit on the patio.

But, my attention must shift to one of my trouble spots. Probably the worst bed in our yard - the corner bed. Each year I have high hopes for this bed. I have literally planted all sorts of things here hoping for a good outcome. Although on occasion one or two things end up working well, overall the bed is always disappointing. Truly the only consistently performing thing in this bed are the weeds. Seriously, if our county fair had a catagory for "best weed" there would have been several years I could have taken the blue ribbon!

This time I have decided to try a new trick. After cleaning out the leaves and dead sunflower stalks, I lay down wet newspapers. I have read in more than one place that this will kill the weeds and/or grass. So, this is my new "let's give this a try" thing for this year. Of course, I didn't factor in the need for mulch to put on top of the newspaper. But after a quick trip to the store it was covered - literally.

I wish I was more devoted to my gardening, but even being a sometimes gardener has taught me alot about how it reflects life. Somethings flourish with very little care. Other things require more attention. On occasion, some things just need to be moved. And most things require pruning or deadheading. But above all, things constantly change. Some things I can control, and others I cannot. Even when bad things happen, like losing a beautiful and mature tree, good things come from it. Sunshine allows things to grow where they once would not. A new beauty takes hold.

And today, just two days later, there is snow on the ground. The planting season is not yet here. It is still time to enjoy the dormant season and to marvel at the cycle of it all.

Just ponderings from a sometimes gardener.

simple faith

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